Saturday 22 March 2014

Show Pictures

Hi just thought i'd upload some photos i took of the Author Show, better late than never!

- Emily

Thursday 13 March 2014


Final show photograph. my camera ran out of room before i could take a second of the costumes lined up on the second wall which is annoying.

Monday 10 March 2014

Printing malfunctions of the manifesto.

The printer wasn't able to print out Agata's creature's name that was meant to be below the image.

Again, the printer did not fully print the name of Emily's creature.

We have asked Camberwell Press to reprint our manifesto that should come in the next week.


Sunday 9 March 2014


Hi everyone,

Here's the bunting I've made for the show:

There's about 3 metres of it which will hopefully be enough, but if not, I can make some more tonight! Agata

Thursday 6 March 2014

Show dates

Hi everyone,

In case you didn't get the email, we need to come in on Monday to hang our Author show - it'd be really good if everyone could come in and help as we don't want only a couple of people doing the whole thing!

The show will be finishing on Thursday of next week.


Frames & Photos

photo printed pics of our creatures (i added some "vinage-style" eroded effects onto them hope thats ok)

keep an eye out for frames