Wednesday 19 February 2014

Ring leader drawing ideas/composition and research

A general layout of the Ring Leader section of the manifesto. As we know my character enjoys inflicting pain onto others, so the circus environment is a nice painful experience for the other animals who are being incarcerated.

If you are happy with this composition the other editing will be done on the computer, such as colouring etc.
The Ring Leader's name is Ringworm.

Post other ideas on what you want the advertising content to be and so on.

This movement has interesting layouts for their manifesto, it's manic much like a circus.

Above is a link of an explanation of the movement by the gallery curator.

VorticistManifestoVortex.jpg (314×400)
                 The layout of a verse style is similar to my character's need of poetry, I think that will be a link for the way in which he advertises the circus.

- Olivia


  1. Love the name ringworm! hahaha. Also like the layout, all looks really good - aysha x

  2. Cheers :P As does yours, super skills :D those framings look aces with your drawings - olivia x

  3. Ooooh these are lovely! I really like the first layout, some writing could actually be put on the backs of those foldy chairs? They provide a nice plain surface for a bit of text :) Agata x

    1. thanks Agata :P , yeah I was thinking that as well, I'm going to look into a circus-y font to use for them :P Olivia x
